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For the CAP to be successful on a continuing basis. It is essential that a free flow of Information exist between the operator, FAA and ABC Aircraft Company.

AA. 为了使CAP持续取得成功,运营商

BB. 为了在CAP基础上持续取得成功,运营商

CC. 为了使CAP取得成功的基础,运营商

正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)


  • 单选题

    The preface contains the following information. The reasons for establishing the Cap program and the underlying problems to be prevented by compliance with the specific CAP. The relationship of the CAP to normal inspection programs for the product.


  • 单选题

    The resulting data were used to determine if the component should be considered for incorporation into the CAP.


  • 单选题

    For the CAP to be successful on a continuing basis. It is essential that a free flow of Information exist between the operator, FAA and ABC Aircraft Company.


  • 单选题

    The Objectives Statement contains the information that the relationship of the CAP to existing inspection programs and the manufacturer‘s objectives for the CAP.


  • 单选题

    It is very difficult to determine the effects of corrosion but, as the reports from the CAP inspections are received, the inspection times will be adjusted for any severe problems.

