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Which vessel is the stand-on vessel when two vessels crossing in fog are NOT in sight of one another? A. The vessel which has the other on her own starboard side B. The vessel which has the other on her own port side C. The one which hears the other‘s fog signal first D. Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel





正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)


  • 单选题

    Which vessel is the stand-on vessel when two vessels crossing in fog are NOT in sight of one another?A. The vessel which has the other on her own starboard sideB. The vessel which has the other on her own port sideC. The one which hears the other‘s fog signal firstD. Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel


  • 单选题

    Which statement concerning an overtaking situation is correct?A. The overtaking vessel is the stand-on vessel. B. Neither vessel is the stand-on vessel.C. The overtaking vessel must maintain course and speedD. The overtaking vessel must keep out of the way of the other.


  • 单选题

    A vessel is overtaking when she can see which light(s) of a vessel ahead?A. Only the stem-light of the vesselB. One sidelight and a masthead light of the vesselC. Only a sidelight of the vesselD. The masthead lights of the vessel


  • 单选题

    A fishing vessel is approaching a vessel not under command. Which statement is TRUE?A. The fishing vessel must keep clear of the vessel not under command.B. If the vessel not under command is a power-di iven vessel, she must keep clear of the fishing vessel.C. They must exchange whistle signals.D. Both vessels are required to take action to stay clear of each other.


  • 单选题

    A vessel‘s quarter is that section which is ___ . A. abeamB. dead asternC. just aft of the bowD. on either side of the stern

