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资料:For the development of Crunchy Nut (a product),K company has used various methods of primary data collection. Primary market data may involve qualitative research or quantitative research. Qualitative data is connected more about opinions, feelings and attitudes. Quantitative data is in numerical form and is usually gathered from a large sample of respondents. Qualitative research establishes a conversation with consumers. It prompts consumer reaction to, for example, a new product idea and helps researchers understand what they think of it, how it makes them feel, why they find it interesting or not. Qualitative research may be obtained through focus groups, where a moderator captures feedback from a group of six or seven consumers to the ideas shown to them. Those ideas may take the format of drawings or having new food prototypes to taste. Quantitative research may use questionnaires administered to large numbers of respondents. This allows statistical analysis. It may involve the use of scales, so numbers get associated with a particular meaning-for example, on an evaluation scale of 1 to 7, where 1 means very poor and 7 means excellent. Crucially those numbers need to be interpreted to enable the business to understand the consumers" overall response. What is the passage about?

AThe development of Crunchy Nut.

BK Company"s production line.

CQualitative data collection.

DTwo approaches to data collection.

正确答案:A (备注:此答案有误)


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